Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day 35: A Prayer for Early Childhood Educators

Section 6: For Our School Systems

Join with us today and pray our prepared prayer for Early Childhood Educators from the FORTY DAYS OF PRAYER FOR EDUCATION free eBook. 


Dear Sovereign Father who reigns and rules in heaven above and in the heart of every believer, 

Those who you have anointed and gifted to mold and lead children toward You humbly come before you and acknowledge You as the Savior, Redeemer and Restorer of the rightful place of Your people in the field of education. 
We thank You Father for the privilege to serve and minister to those who are designed to have the greatest trust in who You are. Your word says to “let the little children come to You, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. Therefore we lift up every little child in our home, our day cares, centers and classrooms before You. 

Lord, we speak first to the foundation of each child. We call each home into order according to the will of God for the family. Return the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. Give fathers wisdom to seek You and to provide a spiritual covering for their families. Strengthen mothers who are raising their children alone to rely on You and cover their children in prayer. Reunite families in the Word of God. Restore order, balance, finances, wholeness, purity, morality and virtue based on the Word of God to the families of America. When our families are restored, when our fathers love and embrace their children, when our mothers are no longer carrying the responsibility of caring for two and three generations under one roof, when our children are not having children, when our children aren’t being ignored and left alone because parents have to work two and three jobs just to provide the bare necessities, when families embrace the Word of God as their foundation, then our children will come to You without bruises, tears and broken bewildered hearts. 

Deliver healing and wholeness to the parents of our children. Open the door for them to
receive, with a willing heart, education and wisdom to increase their provisions and opportunities for growth in their families. Open the ears, eyes and heart of the young parent to receive the assistance and training necessary to give their child a sure foundation. May the love and patience that is exhibited by us, your servants be a shining example to them. 

As we wait for these manifestations to occur, we speak a connection with those who have the heart of a pastor to cover our classrooms, day cares and centers in prayer. Connect our places of learning with men and women of God who will partner with us in prayer, finances and time. 

Now Lord, we direct our prayers towards the children we serve. We speak to and release Your hand to gift each child with continued progression of their physical, social, cognitive, logical, creative, and language development. We call upon the Holy Spirit who leads us and guides us in all truth to expose any inconsistency or underlying issues that would or are
preventing our young children from developing as they should. Bless us and their families to receive the finances, resources, knowledge, love and patience to guide those children who are in need of special assistance due to any health, emotional or academic developmental issues. 

Master Teacher, we look to You as our source of patience, nurturing, creativity and direction as we teach our students. Help us to show our students how to see Your hand in all of creation. Cause us to be zealous in sharing Your love to each and every child and their family. 

Forgive us Lord, when we as Believers in Your love and holiness, expose our children to the glazed over and animated books and movies promoting witchcraft, sorcery and demonic images created by the enemy to desensitize our children to the images and practices of evil. Forgive us Lord when we unknowingly spew gossip, dissension and frustration over our children in our conversations while the sleep. Forgive us for not being sensitive to their curiosities and creative abilities as we who are in a public school setting strive to get them “ready” for kindergarten.

Forgive us if we have hindered them in any way from coming to You. 

We release You to be the director of our centers, the teacher of our classrooms and leader of our homes as Your word explains that when all of our children are taught of the Lord, great will be their peace (Isaiah 54:13 NIV). You also promise to gather the youth in Your arms and carry them close to Your heart and gently lead us who have young children in our care (Isaiah 40:11 NIV)

Great are You Lord and most worthy of praise! We thank You for allowing us to train the next generation of believers. We give you glory and honor and we thank You for this opportunity. 

In Jesus’ mighty and holy name, 


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