Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dinner for Two

When my husband, who's also the PE teacher at my school, and I headed out for our Valentine's Day dinner we had no idea of where we were heading.  Neither of us is really into the social scene and we hardly stray away from the basic everyday household names of restaurants.  This night, however, we knew whatever was familiar to us would be filled to the brim with lovers of all sorts.  Since we're both liable to fall over asleep without warning at any time around nine p.m., waiting in line wasn't an option.

After driving around and passing roadhouse bars, Mexican restaurants and an assortment of places that all serve chicken fingers, we bravely exited off onto a vaguely familiar highway and pulled into the lot of a Japanese restaurant. We didn't even make into the door before deciding that wasn't quite right.  Don't ask.

Anyway, we headed off further on this same road and saw an open Indian restaurant empty of patrons. Why would a restaurant be empty on Valentine's weekend?  Is it bad, new and unknown, or are most folks just going with what they know at the more traditional well known places? 

We pulled up, hemmed and hawed, then drove off. Only to make a U-turn and come right back. Since our teacher's sleeping hours were creeping closer and closer, we thought, "What the heck?" and made our dining choice of the night. 

Although the food was absolutely delicious, the decor was quite simple and didn't match what I had experienced from previously visited Indian restaurants. That really didn't matter because more importantly, our wait time was zilch, we had the place just about to ourselves,  and the conversation was void of, "Excuse me Mommy. Hey, Mrs. Young! Coach, can you...? Coach we need you to...  or Daddy, can I....?"

Now, let me explain something to you about my day before this date.  I had been washing, blow drying and braiding the hair of my three girls for about eight hours straight.  My butt hurt, my arms were tired and the fingerprints on my index and thumbs were nearly burnt off (some of ya'll know why :-) ).   So when my husband told me we were going out, I could've said, "Dude. Really?  I just want to sleep!"  Or even when he said, "Where do you want to go?"  I could've exclaimed, "You don't have a reservation on the busiest night of the year?"    But the truth of the matter was, I didn't care about what I had been doing all day.  I wanted to spend time with my husband more than I wanted to relax and pamper myself.  Who cared about a reservation if neither of us would be happy in a place overflowing with people?  What mattered was he knew what I needed and I knew what he needed; time alone together. We ended up with a whole section of the restaurant to ourselves and a very attentive waitress! Who could ask for more?

So I ask you, dear educator, if after and even during a very busy and rewarding or busy and trying week, the Lover of your soul
desires to spend intimate time with you, will you make time for Him?  

He's quite aware of every thing that has zapped your energy, tried your nerves or filled your heart with glee. Yet, He still wants your attention.
You see, Jesus is good for the unexpected whispers of, "Come away with me.  No special place. We'll search for it together and we'll enjoy it when we get there."
This invitation is sometimes extended as you're singing a song of worship, reading His words in your bible, witnessing the magnificence of nature or hearing testimonies of His goodness to others. It will gently lead you into a time of prayer for you to:

*Praise Him    Psalm 145
*Thank Him    Psalm 34:1-9
*Petition Him      John 14: 13-14
*Confess our sins to Him      1 John 1:9
*Talk to Him about others/intercede for:  family and friends, those in authority over you,  the world
and more importantly... 
*Listen to Him    Matthew 17:5
Listen to Him   Mark 4: 9
Listen to Him  Matthew 11:15

You know,  it's hard to drag yourself away from a good date. Well, it'll be that same way when you spend time with your Savior.  

Remember, no reservations are necessary and no scheduled time is
required.  Just say, "Yes, I'll go with You" when He calls.  Just so you know, that door swings both ways! 
Since He never sleeps nor slumbers, and has made provisions so that you could come boldly before the Throne of Grace, call to Him at any time.  He will answer you. He loves you.  He really, really loves you!

The Lord is with you and you are loved,


Please enjoy this week's song:  How Deeply I Need You by Shekinah Glory Ministry and have a great work week! 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Behind, Before and Everything in Between

It was a mid-winter, slightly overcast Sunday morning when my family and I headed off to church.  We did the normal bumbling out of the house in a shuffle of purses, bible bags and kid stuff.  

“Where are the keys?”  “Where is your sister?” “Get out of that van! Can’t you see you’re the only one in there?  We’re going in this one!” “Did you lock the front door?”  “Why are
 you taking that? You’re supposed to be listening during the service not doing your homework.” 

Finally, we all made it inside the van where I sat in my familiar seat behind my parents as the questions continued to fly.  “Did you put on lotion? You do know it can be applied anywhere below your navel!”  “Where are your socks?! You do realize it's winter?”  “Do you have your bible?...and why not?”

As the van began to pull out of the driveway (Yes, this all happened before we even began to move), my mother pulled down the mirror in the passenger seat and peered at me with a smirk.  With a mixed look of disgust and amusement, I shook my head and looked at the youngsters surrounding me. No, this bumbling, ashy, sockless and misguided crew wasn't my siblings, they were my own three kids and we were catching a ride to church after spending the night during our weekend visit.

I looked out the window at the familiar sights and remembered sitting behind by folks in our old van as a teenager and hearing my mom say those same words to myself and my four brothers Sunday after Sunday as she and dad corralled us out of the house  to head off to church. It felt weird sitting in my “daughter” seat speaking “mommy” words! My, how the tides turn!

It is a fact (especially for parents and educators) that there will come a point in your life when it seems as if Déjà vu collides with something new and holds you smack dab in the middle.  It could come is a situation in which you'll be asked to mentor to a new teacher although you may still feel as if you need someone to guide you.  Or it could be that you'll be asked to head a new ministry or class at church and you're reluctant to say yes because you feel as if you still have a lot to learn about the Lord before you can be a leader.  

That sandwiched feeling can also come when you find yourself teaching twenty five kids during the day and taking a college course with twenty five year olds at night, or even playing Florence Nightingale to your family as you hack and cough up a lung with a thermometer dangling from your own lips.

Even during these odd, ironic and seemingly quite stressful situations, God want us to know that He can and will take care of us! Psalm 139: 5 says, “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.”  King David was aware of God’s love towards him to protect him and sustain him in any and all situations.  However, the realization that God was always before him and had been in every situation behind him was truly an overwhelming thought for he continues is verse six. “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” 

Are you sandwiched in between this teaching and tutoring time of the year as districts prepare for the wave of standardized testing in the spring? Well God's got your back, your front and everything in between!   Know that He has positioned Himself to keep you safe under the protection of His hand, the watchful gaze of His eyes and the direction of His Holy Spirit. Trust and lean on Him.  You'll be a better teacher, mentor, parent,or student because of it! 

The Lord is with you and you are loved.  Have a great work week!


Please enjoy this week’s song by Mary Alessi and Nicole Binion – “Overshadow Me”.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

It's OK To Pray

I call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me.
Psalm 120:1

Changes are occurring every day in education. While there are some changes we can live with, there are truly some that are detrimental to the well-being and future of students and teachers alike.  Although voting, petitioning, and picketing are our rights as citizens of this country, we have an even greater right and responsibility to pray and petition the Throne of Grace on behalf of education in our country as citizens of the Kingdom of God.  
Prayer is the key to unlock the storm door to the things we need and desire. However, an intimate relationship with Jesus is the key to the actual exterior door of our lives.  Our prayers should be like conversations; talking, listening, laughing, crying, observing and hearing the heart behind the words.  You know how in some conversations, you just listen to your friend while in others they may just rant on while you patiently and sympathetically cluck and nod in agreement.  Well God is so personable that He can be spoken to anywhere, at anytime, loudly, at a whisper, or in silence. He can speak to You anyway He chooses whether it be audibly, in your heart or through another person. He will listen to your rants and the Holy Spirit will give you comfort and the right words in your heart to lead to understanding.

God seeks to communicate with you about your distresses, joys,and  things that make you perplexed, angry, sorrowful, doubtful and even fearful.  He has given us His Holy Spirit that we may commune more intimately with Him.  His word said that the "true worshipers worship Him in Spirit and in truth".

It's okay to pray to God about what is needed in education on a national, state and local level.  So dear educator, call on Him in your distress about the current state of education. Pray at your desk.  Pray as you walk the halls. Pray when you pull up in the parking lot in the morning and as you drive away in the afternoon.  Pray while you're writing your plans. Pray before entering the staff meeting or IEP meeting.  
Pray without ceasing.
He is listening.  
He will answer you. 
Pray honestly. 
Listen intently and wait for His directions and His answers.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you today thankful that You have blessed us in this country with free public education. Thank You that our children regardless of race, religion or gender have the opportunity to be educated. While we are thankful for what many in other countries do not have, hear the cries of  Your teachers, administrators, students and parents as we seek You for justice for the withheld quality of education that many of our children are being robbed of as our government creates policies and "acts" that are difficult to uphold while they decrease their support and increase their demands.  Hear our cries against the inequalities of technology, infrastructure, staffing and standardized testing demands.  Hear our cries against the increase of violence and disrespect among our children.  Hear our cries against the demands on our personal time and our personal finances.  Lord, we need You to intervene. We need direction and wisdom from You.  We need Your supernatural strength and energy.  We need Your words, faith and perseverance in us.  Guide us as we draw closer to You.  We are casting off our cares in this prayer and acknowledging You as our Savior, Strong Tower, Shield and Strength.  

In Jesus' name,


Please enjoy this week's song:   "Pray"