Biblical Tools for Teachers

Prayers and Devotional Resources

Two Resources Just for You by Educator Dominion
Click on the links below to purchase or download your copy today!

Forty Days of Prayer for Education   free ebook
Take this forty day journey of self growth and intercessory prayer for every aspect of the educational system in America.

Pray for Education -   free prayer calendar
Post this calendar on your desk or on the wall of your "War Room" to pray a quick and specific prayer for education with accompanying scripture.

Prayer Resources

The Apostle Paul said that we should always pray to God with all kinds of prayers.  Click on the links below to help develop your communication with God for the things that are on HIS heart.

Prayer Line for Educators:

Different Kinds of Prayers 
This helpful handout was used at Educator Dominion's Prayer Breakfast event in May 2015.  It's based on author Tom Brown's book:  Prayers That Get Results)
Submit your request via the Contact page and I will email you your free PDF. 

Commanding Your Day: Life After the Cross Daily Prayer Confession
Submit your request via the Contact page and I will email you your free PDF. 

Prayer Bookmark  - 30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority by Intercessors for America

Sometimes, it can be really hard to find time to pick up your bible and read.  Check out the websites below which can help you establish a daily pattern of learning God's word.   

What does the law say about prayer in school? 
 Read a few excerpts from the article entitled, "School Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance: Types of Prayer Banned" taken from the FindLaw webpage to help you become more informed.

Under the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, schools (as agents of the government) can neither encourage students to practice a religion nor restrict students' practice of religion. This is why many prayers in school, no matter how innocuous they seem or how generally they may apply, are banned in school. 
Types of Prayer Banned
Any activity that causes the school to advance one particular religion, or group of religions, over another will most likely be banned under the First Amendment. These types of activities include:
  • Mandatory Prayer: Forcing children to pray during school hours;
  • Teacher-Led Prayer: A school employee reciting a prayer with the expectation that students will repeat the prayer or think about the words said;
  • Invocations and Other Prayer at School Functions: Prayer by clergy, school employee, or student during school related event such as football games and graduations;
  • Voluntary Prayer: time set aside for students to pray; and
  • Student-Led Prayer: students may not use school resources, including the PA system or class time, to lead other students in prayer.

Want to read more? Click here.