Sunday, January 31, 2016

Activate the Opposite

 Then He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?”  “O Sovereign Lord,” I replied, “You alone know the answer to that.”  Then He said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!  This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!  I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”  
So I spoke this message, just as he told me    

I have posted numerous blogs about speaking life, speaking positively, and speaking with authority.  This week’s blog really is no different.  God shows us in the passage above that He can put us in obviously hopeless and dead situations, as He did to the prophet Ezekiel by placing him in a valley of dried bones, and yet empower us to speak a change to activate the exact opposite of what we see.

So I ask you educator, can the defiant student in your room become obedient?  Can the delayed learner in your classroom retain information and succeed academically?  Can the hyper active student become focused?  Can an angry student become full of joy? Can the disruptive student become peaceful? Can a child suffering from abuse or poverty be given a new lease on life?  Can students with chemical imbalances in their brains function normally without the aid of medicine?

What God said to Ezekiel is not just an Old Testament showcase on what God “use to do” for only the most holy ones.  Jesus, came that we would have abundant life, salvation and authority NOW on this earth  to unleash in the earth, the blessing, power, wisdom, riches, glory, honor and strength of His Kingdom. Therefore, you have been empowered, just as Ezekiel was, to speak a prophetic message of life as you pray over your students, coworkers and school division.  It is not for your glory, but as was stated, so the newly living beings may know that He is the Lord!

Put out of your mouth, “They can’t.  They’ll never.  They won’t”.  Instead, speak and say what God has the power to do. Remember,  NOTHING is too hard for God!

Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons.  Then as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones. Then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no breath in them. Then He said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.’”  
So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies.
They all came to life and stood up on their feet—a great army.

When we, as His educators,  begin to declare the things He can do and they begin to manifest, God’s army of believers will grow and they will go out and lay claim on the territory of the Lord for His glory.

Please have a wonderfully blessed week and enjoy our weekly song:  “Speak” and our weekly video message on “The Mouth”.  Click on the homepage link above to go directly to the website.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

He Will Speak To the Sky

Thank You Jesus!        Gracias Jesús!         Grazie Gesù!             Merci Jésus!
  Danke Jesus!  谢耶稣!    AsanteYesu!    Dank U Jezus! תודה לך תשווע.  
 Спасибо Иисусу.   Mèsi Jezi. 예수님감사합니다.   Chúa Giêsu.  Salamat Jesus 
Ευχαριστούμε τον Ιησού.       

If I had ten thousand tongues, I couldn't tell Him enough just how thankful I am for these snow days! Now just to clarify my location in these United States, I'm blogging from Dinwiddie, Virginia. I only have to deal with ten to twelve inches of snow and not three to four feet.  There is a difference!!

I, like many teachers in this region, am as happy as an elephant with a peanut machine.  Free days in my pj's, hot drinks in my mug, snuggles with my husband (who is also a teacher) and unexpected cat zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  

I came across this verse this morning and it almost brought me to tears.
"In that day I will respond," declares the LORD-- "I will respond to the skies, and they will respond to the earth    Hosea 2: 21 NIV

God's Word Translation says it this way: "On that day I will answer your [prayers]," declares the LORD. "I will speak to the sky, it will speak to the earth,   

It really brought home the fact that prayer is more than just speaking to God.  It requires quiet time to listen to His wise and loving responses and meditate on His answers or His silence.

 Like this triangular snowflake, prayer is can also be three sided! We pray to God.  God speaks to a thing. "It" obeys Him on our behalf!

Even in the midst of our prayer, actually before it can even roll off our tongue as Daniel 9:23 explains, God can begin to send the answer.  

Just as this snowflake is unique and hard for scientist to explain the reason for its unusual shape, Romans 8:26 also tell us that the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf with "groanings" that because what we truly desire from the Lord is too unique and hard to explain with our meager human vocabulary.

What an amazing and loving God we serve that He would attend to our desires whether spoken aloud, or in the silence of our thoughts.  Our God loves us and He will truly move the mountains, sky and seas for His beloved children.

Please join me in praying this small section of the Song of Moses found in Deuteronomy 32: 1-4 as we unite in exaltation to our Lord and Savior, Our Creator and our King!

“Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak;
And hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.

Let my teaching drop as the rain,
My speech distill as the dew,
As raindrops on the tender herb,
And as showers on the grass.

For I proclaim the name of the Lord:
Ascribe greatness to our God.

He is the Rock, His work is perfect;
For all His ways are justice,
A God of truth and without injustice;
Righteous and upright is He.


The Lord is with you and you are loved! Have a blessed week.


                           Please enjoy this week's song! 

Monday, January 18, 2016

We Interrupt This Prayer...

General Rule #763: Do not disturb a teacher on Saturday morning.
And yet, there was a knock on my door (a bold knock at that) interrupting my Saturday morning prayer time. After summoning the intruder into the room with a warning of, "There better be blood somewhere", my youngest child entered and blurted out, "There's something on my bunk bed you need to see!" 
Since she was too calm for it to be a bug, I asked her to explain what it was.  She headed out the door saying, "YOU need to see it".  
By this time, my husband had appeared since he thought her death was imminent.  The jury is still out on whether he was concerned for her safety from me or the mysterious object in her room.
Anyway, we both scurried behind her to her bunk bed where she slid onto the bottom and showed us a sticker under the top bed.  "Look! This says it causes cancer."  
My husband did an about face that would make West Point Academy proud and left me alone staring at an accusing ten year old.   

Although this was my kid, I had to use Grandparent Rule #64: You know everything even if you don’t  in conjunction with  Mommy Rules: #3 Never let them see you sweat and #78 Everything is dangerous for you. (This  rule is outdated and a hard one to use in this Information Age.)

I developed my poker face and turned into Conspiracy Mother and listed everything I know that can cause cancer or make a person ill.  (No comments please.  This is how my house operates.) 

"Well baby," I said in my sweetest voice, "You know water bottles?"  She nodded. I nodded too and said, "Has cancer causing agents."
"Margarine?" She nodded. 
"It’s a few ingredients away from being plastic."
 I rolled on.
“Cigarettes? …. Cancer.”
 "The sweet stuff in your fruit punch, sucralose? …not good either."  
"Sitting outside in the sun for a long time without sunscreen?”
“Uhuh,” she replied.
“That can cause cancer too."  Her eyes widened.
“Some people say that keeping a cell phone close to your skin over long periods of time can increase your chances of getting cancer too. Have you heard about that.”
 I don’t think she was prepared for this tirade.

"Babes, there are a lot of things that have dangerous items in them or can hurt us. Some we know and some we don't.  We need to be careful, but not afraid. Remember, God hasn't given us a spirit of fear."  
So I pointed to her bed and said. "Whatever is in there,  you are not allowed to make my child sick. In the name of Jesus, my child will continue to be as healthy as an ox." I winked at her and she laughed. "In Jesus' name, Amen."   "Thanks mommy", and off she went to eat her first breakfast. (My kids are Hobbits)

Well, I said all that to say this.  We could ( well, I know I could) spend all day hashing over the cause of the rise of the number of kids in special education, or the rise in the number of kids with allergies, illnesses, ADHD, ADD, ODD, and obesity. We can point our fingers at parents and say they aren't doing their job raising their kids.  Then we could point our fingers at the media and say they purposely are dumbing down America and keeping parents so wrapped up in Candy Crush, Facebook, watching reality shows on television, and the songs on the radio (don't even get me started on the music) that they have placed the well-being of their children on the back burner. Oh, and I can't forget to point my finger at the "government", who is behind the drug problems, racial inequality, lack of jobs and blah, blah blah...

The fact is this: there is a cause and a true enemy of the state of this world and his name is satan (no capital letters from me).  Yep!  I went there.  Just in case you didn't know, a war is continually being waged over the control of influence in various aspects of today's society: family, government, arts and entertainment, religion, economy, science and technology and education. (Check out the book - Seven Mountain Prophecy)  
1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be alert and vigilant. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." This is not written for us to be afraid, but rather to be aware, fortified and personally armored.  

So how does knowing this transfer over to you and I as educators?

When we encounter agitating situations and depressing events in our classrooms and schools, it is for us, the children of God, to not waste our time harping on the theories of who’s to blame.  We cannot waste our time on worrying and casting a fretful glance at the warnings of impending doom and danger.  
The bible lets us know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  In laymen’s terms, it’s satan’s undermining of the family structure that is the true reason why your student’s parents are they way they are.  It’s satan’s influence in our media outlets that affects what is projected across the airwaves. 

Thankfully, Ephesians 6: 13-18 explains this to us and provides the solution in three parts; be armored in God, stand with God and pray to
1.Our armor equips us with salvation, righteousness, truth, peace, faith, and the Word of God. 2.Our standing with God is just that...standing. If we stand for God, He will fight on our behalf.
3.Our prayers activate the heavenly influence we have, through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit, to make changes that reflect the ways of heaven here on earth.

Yes, my special Saturday morning prayer time may have been interrupted, but it was renewed with a sense of redirection.   
Therefore, I interrupt YOUR prayer life right now for this important message...

Recognize both sources in prayer: exalt, thank and petition God and rebuke the enemy.
Declare that the source behind the discontent and frustration at school be defeated in Jesus' name. 
Join forces with another believer. The prayer of agreement is a powerful one.

Never forget. God will never be a defeat foe!  You will win! 
Have a blessed work week!  

The Lord is with you and you are loved,


Please enjoy this week's song entitled: We Are United

Sunday, January 10, 2016

He's Got the Whole Boat in His Hands!

Last week's “Inspirational Video” on my website really caused me to reflect on the demeanor of defeat that I know I have projected time and time again. Please forgive me!  While each year of teaching continues to increase in its challenges, I do declare that this year seems to hold the award for all time concentrated challenges in one room. But here’s the flip side to that pancake, I asked for the challenge!  Therefore, I have to continually remind myself that every bump I encounter has been pre-orchestrated by the One who led me to raise my hand to say, “Yes, Lord.”  

So it was with tears in my eyes, that after hearing the message by Priscilla Shirer, a dynamic speaker and author, that I resolved to make some changes that involve my perception, language, health and planning.  This blog entry will just focus on changing one's perception of how God has planned to use you in the field of or out of the "boat". 

Have you ever said these words in prayer to God at the very end or very beginning of your school year?  “Lord, send me where You need me.  Give me the students that You want me to have.  Place me where I can make the greatest difference.”  Then when you get what you get, or go where you go, you complain…all year?

I think if we glimpse at the life of Peter a disciple of Jesus , we’ll see how saying yes will take us through ups and downs, questions and answers and the best assurance ever; knowing Jesus is always with us, through it all, growing and equipping us for the next level in our lives.

Yes…in the Boat:  Luke 5:1-11
According to the book of Luke, Peter’s first encounter with Jesus wasn’t on the boat or shoreline of the sea, but in his own home.  We too probably had our first encounter with Jesus away from the job.  But when Jesus showed up on Peter’s job and used Peter’s livelihood (his fishing boat) to get His message across to the masses, Peter’s whole life was changed.  

Just like Peter, after the disappointments and frustrations of hard work and no results, you must allow the Creator Himself to climb into your livelihood of teaching  and muster up the faith to tell Him, “Because You say so, I’ll do it"!  Then, when you begin the task again, go on ahead and thank Him because you will be blessed to see God work in a miraculous way!

Save Me…in the Boat: Luke 8: 22-25
Sometimes, as an educator, you will feel like Jesus is asleep on the job.  Although you probably can recite the scripture that God will never, “leave us, nor forsake us”, it often calls for more faith than one currently
possess to truly believe that fact.  Since God, the Omnipotent One, knows everything, you have to realize the "storm" which is producing the fear and worry in you, was ordained by God.  Don't be upset because it seems like He isn't helping you.  You will have to know, that you know, that you know,  since Jesus is with you, you won't drown.  You might get wet...but you won't drown.  

Call Me Out …of the Boat:  Matthew 14: 22-33
In the midst of a vicious storm, Peter sees Jesus walking on the water towards him and says, “God, if it’s You, bid me to come to You.”  This isn't like the last scenario when faith was tested in waiting. Here, faith will be tested in walking!   One day, He will call you out of the boat in the midst of a storm.  You will have to remember the first boat ride and know that if He can do miracles in
it, He can do miracles out of it.  You will have to remember the second boat ride and know that He will not let you drown in your struggle to overcome…especially if you are in dialogue and face to face contact with Him. Keep your eyes on Jesus and put His love into practice while you teach and interact with your coworkers.

Back to Work…in the Boat:  John 21: 1-12
Peter resigns himself to get back in the boat after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  It was a lot for him to process…The One he had faithfully followed was murdered and he had denied the Christ three times. Jesus rose and returned and then left again promising to send power from on high after a period of waiting. 
There are times when the things that Jesus has spent years pouring into us mix together with the  mind exploding realization of our own weakness. We get caught up in a time of suspense waiting for a fulfillment of what Jesus promised and get frustrated when it seems to take too long.
Peter felt that way and wanted to go back to what was… fishing as a way of life.  But Jesus wouldn’t allow him and nor will He won’t allow you or I to teach just to be teaching.  The thing that He blesses us to make a living in must be used to influence the lives of those around us to be receptive to His love and the truth of His Word. That influence will lead other people to say yes to Him in their own boat!

Yep, the Lord has your whole boat in His hands!  Whether you’re in it with Him pulling in a blessing you don’t have room enough to receive, or trying to figure out when He’s going to wake up and save you. It doesn't matter if you're figuring if you have enough courage to climb out, or if you're sitting there trying to return to a time less complicated, please know He knows the plans He has for you.   He has “higher” ways and thoughts about your life than you ever will. Trust and believe that this school year has been ordained by God to stretch you, train you, mature you and bless you. Don't give up and don't give in. He has promised you power to be His witness, love to be His light and His presence to give you hope.

Have an awesome work week!  The Lord is with you and you are loved,


I hope you enjoy this week's song.  It's a great song of encouragement entitled 
   Through the Fire

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Key To Being the "Best Teacher Ever"

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.   - John 13: 34-35 NLT

As a present and former teacher of children ages four to ten, I've often been told by them that I'm the "best teacher ever".  I just smile sweetly and thank them while thinking, "You've only had two other teachers. Come back in twenty years kid".  

But just what does it take to truly be the "best teacher ever"?  How does one transcend in effecting a student's life in such a way that the student grows to be the "best person ever"?  The lyrics to a song I was listening to during my quiet time with the Lord began to resound in my spirit as the foundation of my answer. 

“You traced the line of my fingerprints.”

I looked at my upturned palms and gazed in wonderment at the unique intricacies of my hands.  My mind immediately went to Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 1 where both David and God let us know that our births are not just some random events that He "allowed" to happen. Each and every one of us was known by God before we were born.  We were specially designed by Him. He is the One who drew every line in our hands in such a way that no one else would ever have that pattern.   There is such an overwhelming, amazing, uncomprehending amount of concentrated love God has poured into creating our bodies and every day of our lives. 

It's the same God, who took the time to etch lines into your palms, that takes the time to love on you each and every day.  He daily loads you with benefits and offers you the wisdom, strength, and love that you need to teach His children. So, if you truly desire to be
the "best teacher ever", you must first realize just how much God loves you so that you can love as He loves.  When you wholly understand the fullness of the grace, mercy, forgiveness, unlimited provision, council, protection, and wisdom that He provides, there will be no limit to your willingness in allowing God to use you for the betterment of your students. Operating in the same love He provides is what should be our daily aspiration.

 The bible says,  "Ah, what love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God."  Read about the depths in which the Father shows His love for you in the words and verses (click on link to read the scriptures) below and remember that as you head back into the classroom this week, to make sure and begin each day with reminders of His love for you. Place a copy of these scriptures around your desk, in your lunch box, on your computer, or even in your car. Post these love notes any and everywhere you can!  

 Realize His love.
 Bask in His love.
But more importantly...
Share His love.

The Lord is with you and you are loved,

Happy New Year!!!!

If you haven't done so already, check out my webpage:  There are new resource links for bible studies, meditations, and words of encouragements available to aid you as an educator in your walk with Christ.  Please share with a coworker or use it as a tool for evangelism.

This week's song is part of an hour long prayer soaking. It's amazing! Enjoy.