Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Unsearchable Things of God Revealed


We all have them. 


We think we have them all.

This is for the educator who is currently perplexed, disgruntled, or overwhelmed.  This is also for the educator who is experiencing an eye opening year of understanding their calling to Kingdom teaching.  God still has great and unsearchable things to tell you regardless of how you view your situation.

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know".
Jeremiah 33:3

It's no mystery to God's children that we are to commune with Him through prayer and times of meditation.  But here in Jeremiah 33: 3,  God specifically gives  a request for His people to call to Him, to summon His glory, to invite His presence, and cry aloud in expectancy that He will answer.                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". 
The beauty and blessing of this is not just that He will answer us, but that God has promised to tell us great and unsearchable things that we do not know.  Frankly, it's hard to image something an educator doesn't know! We have to know personalities, age appropriate behaviors, academic lingo, facts and new practices. We also have to know right from wrong (according to whomever is in administration), right from wrong (according to our foreknowledge of God), right from wrong (according to what is socially and politically correct) and we have to know what's current in the lives of our students.   With all this stuff we generally already have compartmentalized in our brains, God still says that there is more out there to learn that only He can supply.  

I am so glad that God has an "unsearchable" knowledge.  No matter of internet surfing or asking of a resident authority will provide me with the answers that will provide Kingdom insight and wisdom in my situation.                                                                                             Think about those times that you called to Him...                                                           
This is about those times when you felt like wringing your hands (or someone's neck) at the beginning of the school year because you didn't know how to deal with a certain kid or the workload. Maybe your call to Him were for times when you needed a loving word to give to a coworker, but you didn't know what to say. Recall the times when you have cried out to God for wisdom on how to make your paycheck stretch, strength to deal with your own children at home, and patience to wait for healing.  Did He answer you?

The answers to the some of the tests of our lives are right in front of us and possible out of reach because of unbelief or disobedience in us.  However, some of our test have unsearchable solutions for they aren't found with or founded from the mind of mankind and are "impossible to investigate, no matter how great the effort". The answers we seek can only be found in Jesus.  They are hidden treasures in Jesus that can only be unearthed through a right relationship and intimacy with Him. If we could solve all of our own problems, then we wouldn't need a Savior, would we?

God's Holy Spirit in us leads us into prayers that seek the mind and heart of God as it pertains to how He wants our lives to affect those around us. It will be in and because of our times of worship that God will reveal to us things that no one else thought to utilize, words that can heal years of hurt in a student, ideas that can activate understanding in your students and strategies that can help us in our personal finances, health and family. 

I hope that you have been encouraged to call on God before you begin this work week and know that He hears you even before you open your mouth. Be prepared to receive what He has promised 

"It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.      -Isaiah 65:24

The Lord is with you and you are loved,


Please enjoy this week's song

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful for Thanksgiving - an excerpt from "Start Your Monday with the Master"

Image result for autumn pictures

I am so glad that the Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated in autumn.  In my opinion, it is the most beautiful season of all.  The trees burst forth vibrant colors of golden, scarlet and amber hues.  It’s enough to make one cry…sniff, sniff. 

Image result for autumn picturesOut of all the seasons, it was during autumn that one would find my youthful, chubby legs skipping merrily home from the bus stop.  My mom was sure to greet me with something good to eat when I walked in the door.  After wiping the fog from my glasses, I would plunk down and gobble it all up. 

Good food, good scenery and good family.   Sigh…

Yep, God is good and I have a lot to be thankful for.

For who You are:  Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

For what You have done:  Psalm 118:21
I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.

No matter where I am:   Psalm 35:18
I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise you.

Lord, I thank You.
Oh magnify the Lord with me and let’s exalt His name together.

During your holiday break, make sure you take time to enjoy God's scenery and celebrate His goodness in your life.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

 Please enjoy this week's song! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Parent Teacher Conference...with God

While in college, I was assigned observation hours in a small school surrounded by what seemed to be miles and miles of corn fields.  It was there, in the only fifth grade class, I saw the most pitiful child ever. A quiet, doe-eyed, curly haired boy, who just so happened to be the son of the teacher I was observing. To make matters worse, his mother taught another grade down the hall. School never stopped for this kid.

I wonder how parent teacher conferences were approached.  

The father: "I'm glad you could make it today."
The mother: "Really?!  Frank, I have papers to grade.  Can't we talk about this over dinner?" 

While this scenario sounds funny, it would actually be a sad case if his parents only discussed their son's progress and challenges during appointed times set by the school. Regrettably, this sad case is often reflected in the prayer lives of "church goers" who only conference with God during appointed times set by their religion or unfortunate circumstances.

God the Father, wants to conference with us every day during our times of prayer and meditation and (gasp) maybe even during our planning times at school.  This one on one time allows us and God to speak frequently and openly together about those things that He has birthed in us which He wants to use to bring others closer to Him. 

Now, let's reflect on parent teacher conferences that you have been a part of and compare it to how we approach God in prayer.

Whatchu talkin 'bout God?
Do we come to God like the parents who act blind-sided by everything you're telling them even though you've sent message after message and grade after grade?  Sometimes we feign confusion about our current situation during times of prayer although we know we're not listening to the messages that God has been revealing to us.


Did I do that?
Do we enter into our times of prayer like those parents who wonder why their child, whose lunch box they fill with sodas, candy, cookies and other sugary delights, can't sit still? Maybe we enter into our times of prayer like a parent who wonders why their child, for whom study skills and homework completion aren't required and enforced at home, are failing. Sometimes we don't seek the deep things of God because we don't want Him to expose the things in us that need to be changed.  Deep down, we know that we are a major source of the problem that we're praying about. It's just easier not to make any changes because we feel it's too difficult to activate our authority and self-discipline.


Do we come into prayer like the parent who you don't actually meet until field day...or next year?  Our prayer life can be reflective of that when we have the

Hakuna Matata... I don't need to pray.
a) "life is good so I don't really need to talk to God that much because He's obviously pleased with me", or 
b) the "I know I'm wrong, but God knows my heart so I really don't have to change" attitude.  

We have to make sure we don't rationalize the neglected parts of our prayer lives.

Remember, prayer is simply communicating with God and should be something that is consistent and a tool of change.  In our everyday conferences with God, He wants us to come to Him to talk...and listen.  He wants to talk about what we are supposed to be raising together with Him; our call to teach, our finances, our health, our spiritual walk, and our family. God doesn't keep office hours. He never sleeps nor slumbers. So feel free to approach Him at any time to chat and listen. You don't have to go far...He lives within you.  Have a great work week!

The Lord is with you and you are loved,



When you read the bible this week, take note of some of those who talked and listened to God;  King David,  Gideon,  Jeremiah  and  Peter).  See how their effectual, fervent prayers changed the lives of everyone around them.  

Here's a great song to welcome in your work week!!! 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Free E-Book!!

"Forty Days of Prayer for Education", my new book is now complete and completely free for you as an e-book!!
There are plenty of books available to help you pray for your self, your marriage, your kids, your finances or your spiritual walk. There are even a few that focus on guiding you in prayer through corporate America. There aren't too many specifically for those in the field of education.
However, this book isn't just for educators. It's for any and every Saint of God who wants to join in intercession for every aspect of the field of education in America.
Now is the time for people to pray specifically about what's going on in our schools. We can't pray for the violence to stop if we don't pray for God to raise up educators and support staff that will call on Him in Spirit and in truth.
So, instead of shaking our heads, let's bow them and come before the throne in one voice.

Click on the Home button above and download your book today!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Climate Change

It is truly a blessing to be called a child of God.  Moreover, that blessing becomes even more valuable and meaningful when we work in service to others all for the advancement of His Kingdom. Unfortunately, this service that I call "teaching" hasn't seem so blessed lately.  The climate of peace that once enveloped my classroom has shifted into something that I've been staring at like an impending storm.

What I am learning is that my old way of praying isn't enough.  I am learning that I'm going to have to have a fresh boldness to take back what belongs to God. I need to update my prayer and update my praise!   

So why is it so important to set the climate in your classroom and school?  What does it really mean to "set the climate"?  In Matthew 8:23-27  Jesus is asleep in a boat with His disciples while they try to manage the untameable wind and waves all around them.  When they realize their efforts are not working, they call on Him to save them from their obvious demise.   Jesus silences the violent wind and cause the roaring waters of the Sea of Galilee to immediately be still.

When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. And suddenly a violent storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being covered by the waves; but Jesus was sleeping. And the disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Lord, save us, we are going to die!”  He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was [at once] a great and wonderful calm [a perfect peacefulness].  The men wondered in amazement, saying, “What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”
Matthew 8:23-27 AMP

Not only did Jesus calm the immediate atmosphere of weather, He shifted the climate ( long termed averaged atmospheric occurrences) of faith in His disciples.  He demonstrated His authority over the things He created and exercised His dominion on this earth.  

As Believers who are also educators, we are are called to exercised our God given dominion on this earth through the power of His Holy Spirit working in us. We speak with and in the authority of His Name over those things that come against His principles and our assignment to love others and lift Him up. Everything we do is for the glory of God and the increase of His government over the enemy's.  It is for the spiritual lives of our students and our coworkers that we have been assigned to that school or that classroom to show Jesus through a life of love, obedience to the Father and service to others.  

I'm sure if we could be like these weather workers, things would really begin to change in our schools.

Joshua asked for the sun to stand still -  Halt any actions that do not edify God before your students and coworkers.
Elijah called for drought -  Speak a drying up of those things that are not of God in your school.
Gideon asked for dew -      Don't be afraid to ask for the impossible.  With God, all things are possible.
Samuel  called for thunder and rain -  God can use you to show His existence and power.  
Jesus calmed the wind and waves -  Tell the complainers and those that seek to take your peace to be silent.
Jesus caused an eclipse  - While there may be a darkness that you don't understand, know that Jesus, as a perfect sacrifice, empowered you to be strong even in your weakness.
Paul and Silas caused an earthquake - The praise and adoration of God that you do before those who do not believe in Him has the power to loose the chains of unbelief in their life.

This week as you prepare for work, pray that God will show you what needs to dry up and what needs to be rained on.  Pray that He shows you how to cause praise induced earthquakes and to expect the refreshing Dew of His Spirit everyday.  Pray for a peaceful climate to overtake your school and alertness and energy to wake out of your slumber to silence the enemy. 

Update your prayer.         Update your praise.

Take control of your environment and set the climate.

The Lord is with you and you are loved,


Please enjoy this week's song!