Friday, August 12, 2022

A Set Apart School Year Pt.1

Many of you know the events surrounding the ten plagues of Egypt as God prepared to deliver His people from bondage.  The early part of the book of Exodus lays out this turbulent and uncertain time for the Children of Israel as they await their deliverance with hesitancy in Moses as their deliverer, an increased workload from Pharaoh, and to make matter worse bloody water, frogs everywhere, and lice!  

In the field of education, things haven't looked too different in the past few years as we grappled with the pandemic and its many after effects. There was much hesitancy with following the new virtual trends, policies, and shifts in curriculum. The workload and demands on educators and administrators have increased and Covid has infiltrated every aspect of our daily lives. 

Did you notice is that I only mentioned three of the ten plagues?  In the book of Exodus chapter eight verses 22-23 God speaks to Moses and says,  "And in that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, in which My people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there, in order that you may know that I am the Lord in the midst of the land. I will make a difference between My people and your people.  Tomorrow this sign shall be".  Verse twenty-four verifies it with, "And the Lord did so."  After the third plague, God drew a line in the sand and made a distinct show of protection over His chosen people. From then on, until the tenth plague, whatever occurred would have not have the ability to touch them.  

So it is my prayer this school year that Jesus draws a double line for you so that YOUR school, YOUR faculty and staff, YOUR students, YOUR parents, YOUR neighborhoods, YOUR bus drivers, YOUR programs, YOUR families, YOUR health, and YOUR finances will experience a set apart school year overflowing with the heavenly outpouring of love, peace, joy, transformation, protection, favor, wisdom, patience, success, creativity, healing, and unity!  No matter what else is going on negatively in education, make this declaration your own and stand on His promises concerning you. 

Declare that YOUR school and everything attached to it will experience God's favor this year.  Have a blessed school year! 

The Lord is with you and you are loved,


Part 2 blog post

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