Monday, March 23, 2020

Dear Virginia Educator...It's not over. You can still make a difference.

Dear Virginia Educator,

Today our governor announced that schools in Virginia are to remain closed for the remainder of the school year.  This has begun a ripple effect of questions and varied emotions that span across our Commonwealth.

Many educators are devastated because not only will they not have a chance of seeing their students again, but because they know that many of their students will no longer have the much-needed respite of stability and safety that school brings to their lives.  

While it is still too early to know how each individual school system will respond to this and how this will affect our students in a short term and long term sense,  the best thing for those of us who are not involved in the decision-making process is to pray for those who are.

But before I submit a prayer for us to pray together, I ask you to determine to pray independently as James 5:16 says, "effectually and fervently".  That means to pray continually so that you "successfully produce a desired or intended result".  James also states that this prayer is successful not only because it is prayed fervently but because it is prayed by a righteous person.  The time is now for us to examine ourselves by God's standards.  
Why is this important? Well, if it's the key to having our prayers answered, then it is very important.  

There are many things that are being closed... things that have been deemed "over". Every hat that we have worn is now stripped away. While it can be very liberating for some, it can also evoke feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.  For many of us, we now will only have a responsibility to God, ourselves and our immediate family.  We want our prayers heard, not only for our students but for our own families. Take this time to delve into God like never before!  In Him will be the answers to how you can still make an impact on your students. In Him will be specific prayers for each of your students that will bless their lives.  Take this time to delve into God like never before!  In Him will be the answers to how to make up for lost time with your spouse, children, or attend to some self-care.

Determine, not only for yourself but for your family and your students, to draw closer to God.  Because if you do, WHEN you return to the classroom, you will be all the better for it. If you do, the atmosphere of your home will change and your entire family will be the better for it.  You love your students?  You love your family?   Pray effectually, fervently, and from a righteous heart. 

Father God in the name of Jesus,

We come before you now acknowledging You as our sovereign and benevolent God.  You know our end from our beginning and You have every aspect of this pandemic under Your control.  

We lift up before you every educator whose heart is breaking for their students right now. You know every home life situation of those we teach and nurture.  You know the physical, emotional, mental, and academic needs of every child in this state.  You know the limitations of parents and guardians, school systems, and local governments to meet those needs right now. Jesus, we pray a hedge of protection around those students who face abuse, food for those who face hunger, affection for those who face neglect, comfort, and stability for those who face uncertainty, and courage for those who are thrust in the role of caretaker for the younger siblings.
Refresh each and every educator in Your word and Holy Spirit. Teach us how to pray.  Help our unbelief.  Strengthen, protect, and heal our families, our marriages, our kids.  Be our present help in this time of need. 

In Jesus' name,


Please consider listening to this song entitled, " Be Still and Know" by Julie True.  There are no lyrics.  Just find a quiet place, listen, and breathe...

The Lord is with you and you are loved,
