Thursday, August 3, 2017

Day 9: Be It Unto Me

Section 2: Refocus and Refresh

Join with us today and pray our prepared prayer on pages 19 and 20 from the FORTY DAYS OF PRAYER FOR EDUCATION free ebook or pray independently from our focus scripture, Luke 1:38 NKJV  and enjoy the accompanying song entitled, "Overshadow Me" by Mary Alessi.

Afterwards, remember to lift up all of our new teachers and administrators who may be feeling overwhelmed at the start of this school year.  In prayer, let the Lord reveal any areas where you may have apprehension about this year and remember Romans 8:28.


Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. 
- Luke 1:38 

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for purpose. Thank You for knowing each of us by name. You knew our unformed bodies, and all of the days ordained for us were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to us are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 

Since before the time of creation, You have destined that we would have dominion on this earth. However, because of sin, we lost that dominion to the enemy. Thank You Lord, that Jesus came to save that which was lost in the garden; our eternal relationship with You and our authority on earth. 

Through Jesus, You have designed the Body of Christ to aid in increasing the government, principles, culture and territory of heaven. Therefore, we exalt You Lord for equipping us for every good work and giving us everything we need for life and Godliness through our knowledge of You who has called us by Your own glory and goodness. 

Lord, in the knowledge of our God given destiny to educate, we ask that You would encourage and strengthen every educator who in their weariness are questioning their calling to teach. Help us Lord not to allow the discouragements and frustrations of teaching to overshadow the love for this profession that You placed in our hearts. Let us not forget that You are above the difficult people, policies and pay scales that we frequently deal with. We thank You for the strength to press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. It’s in that strength that we decree a release from this deceiving weariness. 

So revive us Lord. Help us to look to You with the faith of Mary, the mother of Jesus. We understand that there may be difficulties attached to our assignments, but we will still say, “Yes, Lord”. We will accept what You have destined for us. We will seek Your face in prayer and in the reading of Your Word to understand Your will. We will use the authority You have given us and claim our schools as Kingdom territory where the fruit of Your spirit grows abundantly. 

Thank You for choosing us to teach the children of this country. May we do it to Your glory and by Your Spirit. 

In Jesus' name, 
