Thursday, August 17, 2017

Day 22: Speak Life

Section 4: You Have Power

Join with us today and pray our prepared prayer on page 40 from the FORTY DAYS OF PRAYER FOR EDUCATION free eBook or pray independently from our focus scripture, Proverbs 16: 21, 23 and enjoy the accompanying song entitled, "Speak" by Myron Butler.

As you continue in prayer, be encouraged by the scriptures you have been led write down and meditate on these past few days. Write down the obstacles you think you may have or are already facing this school year. Speak life concerning these things and declare the supremacy of God to supersede every plan of the enemy.

You can also download the daily prayer calendar here!

The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction. The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instruction.
Proverbs 16:21, 23

To our loving, faithful, Heavenly Father,

We bless and thank You today for speaking us into existence. You are our amazing Creator. You spoke out into the the darkness and manifested every desire of Your heart simply by Your powerful words. 

Today we pray that the words of our mouths be filled with life. You have given those of us who are called by Your name a greater power of speech because we are filled with Your Holy Spirit. 
As You instruct, teach and counsel us every day, watch over us and manage the issues of our hearts. 
May our speech be deliberate and reflect Your words so that the meditations of our hearts and words of our mouth will be pleasing in Your sight. 
Bridle our tongues and lead our words to a destiny of greatness over every student and situation in our schools.

Remind us Lord, that we are not allowed to broadcast what we think You won't do. Nothing is impossible for You.

In Jesus' Name,
