Saturday, August 12, 2017

Day 17: Light of the World

Section 3: Kingdom Focus

Join with us today and pray our prepared prayer on page 33 from the FORTY DAYS OF PRAYER FOR EDUCATION free eBook or pray independently from our focus scripture, Ephesians 5: 8,9 NIV and enjoy the accompanying song entitled, "Don't Let Your Light Go Out" by Kurt Carr.

As you continue in prayer, seek the direction of the Holy Spirit for specific ways you can shine your light to expose hidden answers, truths and resources to help your students, school and school system.

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 
Ephesians 5:8,9 NIV 

Dear Heavenly Father, 
Thank You for being the Light of the World. Thank You for illuminating Your presence in our lives. Thank You for exposing darkness and pushing it away. We adore, marvel and bask in Your radiance. 

Forgive our educational system for glorifying the darkness of our problems more than the source of Light who can solve them. Expose to Your believers who You have called to shine their light into this dark generation, the hidden resources and treasures that are needed to help our students and schools. Show us great and unsearchable things so that we can truly be set apart as a light on a hill before those who discount Your greatness and existence. 

Remind us daily that our steps have been ordered by You already. We know that You want us to be obedient to Your voice and boldly walk upright on paths that are illuminated by Your word. Remind us that Your path of life leads us into Your presence and there we will find fullness of joy. 

Your word says that we “are the light of the world”. In all of our ways, we will acknowledge You and shine our light. 

In Jesus' name, 

- Amen