Tuesday, January 10, 2017

For His Good Pleasure, Satisfaction, and Delight

Ask any educator what constitutes a successful day for them.  Most will express that success comes when those they are in charge of become successful.  It's when goals are reached, obstacles overcome and when the proverbial light finally comes on, we can confidently say, "Today was a good day!"

We, as educators, know these "good" days often come after somebody has shed blood, sweat, and tears.  However, we will also admit that the smiles of our students or staff, seals of approval from our state and local leaders along with those two simple words, "Thank you", make it all worthwhile.

The Lord God, who is our maker, is in essence no different from us.  His Holy Spirit is our Counselor and Teacher who leads and guides us in all truth.  Wouldn't He also want to feel success when He looks at us throughout our day?

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good.
  -Proverbs 15:3 NKJV

When we walk into our schools, it must be with the foundational mindset that WE are HIS students, daily learning, listening, being directed, collaborating, creating, identifying problems, and being tested.  Do we see ourselves in that manner or as the ONLY teacher, coach, guidance counselor, principal or authority figure in the room? 

 For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is (all the while) effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing (power to desire) and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure (and satisfaction and delight).  
 -  Philippians 2:13 AMP  and AMPC

Our receiving of Jesus as our Lord and Savior was not just a Sunday morning conscience clearing bucket list activity. Salvation, much like a classroom lesson, involves and requires much more than one just saying, "Oh yeah, I got it".  It involves us listening, watching and obeying the voice of God while He teaches us how to be more like Him. It means we learn to trust that He knows what He's doing when He gives us reading assignments [daily bible reading and meditation], group projects [helping our friends and neighbors, being active in our local church], homework [spending time with our own children and loving our spouses...even after a really trying day], and pop quizzes [not biting someone's head off...even if we feel they deserve it].  Ultimately, it requires that we understand that it all is to make us successful as His sons and daughters.

Notice, Jesus is not asking you to do it in your own strength.  He will energize you and give you the power to do so through the inner workings of His Holy Spirit.  Take comfort in knowing that you have been designed, created and ordained by God to be an educator. Good days, bad days... it's all for His good pleasure, satisfaction and delight as He watches you grow into what He has destined you for
...a light of this world.


The Lord is with you and you are loved,


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