Thank you for going on this prayer journey with me. We have been praying with educators and intercessors all over the world these past forty days. With educators recently joining us from Qatar and Japan, we are truly coming together as the body of Christ, The Church, in the unity of faith.
While each of our countries may have different struggles and concerns as it pertains to education, as followers of Christ, we all realize that the words of our prayer, "on Earth as it is in Heaven", can only be made manifest when we live out God's purposes for our lives through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Continue to pray without ceasing for each other this school year and know that the Lord is with you and you are loved.
Your sister in Christ,
Toni Young
True instruction was in his mouth and
nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and
uprightness, and turned many from sin.
Malachi 2:6
Dear Heavenly Father,
we are so thankful that You are God alone. We are thankful that You have sent
Your Son that we may have abundant life on earth now and eternal life with You
after You return. Thank You Jesus, for taking the keys of authority from death,
hell and the grave and ascending with all power in Your hands to sit at the
right hand of the Father. Thank You Holy Spirit for dwelling within the hearts
of those who believe that Jesus died for their sins and for working in us the
fulfillment of our assignment to regain total dominion on this planet through
exercising the authority of Jesus in every area of our lives to the glory and
testament of God.