Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I Couldn't Resist Sharing This

chalkboard with chalk

I came across this blog while looking for an image for my upcoming E book.  This blog entry is amazing!  I invite you to click on the link below to read it for yourself and commit to prayer for our schools and teachers this summer.


Be blessed


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer Break...well

Hello folks!

Just wanted everyone to know that the blog is on break this summer while I officially chill out.
Well, actually, there has been little chillin' going on.  I've been hitting the road with my family for a few weekend track meets, tutoring some kids from my class, and cleaning up every despicable area of dirt that has lain dormant since my the winter holidays ( I didn't do a thing over Spring Break).  I'm also working on creating an ebook entitled Forty Days of Prayer for Education. So actually, I'm pretty busy.  

Feel free to look through the old posts and make sure you sign up to receive the new blogs this fall in your email.  Heads up, the Educator Prayer Series will begin again this fall so make sure you look out for information around the beginning of August.  

Have a great summer.

Oh, would you please check out my Go Fund Me campaign to help our three daughters compete at the AAU Track and Field Junior Olympics this August.   Here's the donation link:  http://www.gofundme.com/avw2cg

Have a great summer.


Image retrieved from:  http://tcufloristblog.com/summer-flowers/summer-fun-for-the-family/