Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Love and Repentance is the Focus towards Faith in the Impossible

"Love and Repentance is the Focus towards Faith in the Impossible".  I read aloud my journal entry dated September 27, 2014 to the educators sitting before me.  From that date until the Thursday before the breakfast, I had no clue what God wanted Educator Dominion to share with its partnered educators. 

Our country is in such a divided time now, racially, whether or not we want to admit it.  Either the topic is discussed openly and quite vehemently at times, or it remains the huge looming elephant in the room no one wants to acknowledge.  Either way, love... the Father's love... the love of Jesus shown and shared with every person who stands on America's soil will be the only thing that makes this country better.
Therefore, as the Spirit led, I began by sharing with everyone a copy of our original teaching contract which is found in the bible in Isaiah 61 (please take a few moments to read it in your bible).

After addressing all of the tasks of an Holy Spirit filled, born-again believer, we began to share one by one, some of the things that we noticed have made this year so difficult and different from years before.   With representation from high school, elementary, guidance counselors, office staff, paraprofessional, retired, substitutes, and both private and public early childhood, we really had a grim picture of the current decline.  It was discussed that love would have to be shown not just to the students but also to our fellow coworkers.  
With my hand raised first, I acknowledged that I have a lot of repenting to do for judging and know that my love language can be pretty silent especially if I stand firm on my own facts of why I don't like a person.  (just being honest here...tell the truth and shame the devil)       HOWEVER, because of our contract, which is quite riddled with miracles, we have to be known for our love actions and language before anyone on our job or in our classroom will believe that our God is worth following.       
I never believe in giving the enemy more glory than God and so we took the time to generate a prayer list of things we wanted God to do concerning our observations of this school year.  As inspirational music  played the in background, we wrote our prayers down and made them plain on a prayer sheet with Ephesians 3:20 as our heading....  "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more that all we can ask or image, according to His power that is at work within us."   I challenged all of us to rewrite each request to the "exceeding abundantly...".  Sure we knew some of them sounded impossible, but after all doesn't the bible say with God all things are possible?  

What kind of "impossible prayer" would you pray?  Understand that Jesus said in John 4:48 that unless the people see signs and miracles, they would not believe.  It's still true today.  As long as we only ask for and declare the "ordinary", we will never be able to convince the nonbeliever that the successes and blessings we have in our classrooms and schools is due to a loving God who wants the same for them.  They will surely give credit to our hard work or assistance from other men.  

Let's seek after the highest of God.  Realize that God wants to do miracles through you.  Know that each student in your care is next in line for a miracle.  Seek God concerning what each child needs in their life.  It's more than passing a test or passing a grade. It would take a miracle for most of our kids to have their family restored or to bring them out of poverty.  Maybe your students needs the miracle of their parents getting off of drugs.  

This is why you have been called into the education system man or woman of God.  Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto me."  Lift up Jesus.  Ask for miracles, signs and wonders and situate yourself in God to be the vessel in which He uses.

Saturday, January 3, 2015