Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Good Book and a Few Others

When have you ever seen a group of educators sit around for a few hours and not start talking about a book they are reading?  Even more, Believers are always sharing their latest eye opening book with each other.
So what do you get when you put Believers who are educators together, with food and an agenda for prayer?  You'll get a book list!

I would like to share with you the book path which led me to being involved with prayer in my school, hosting a prayer breakfast and even writing my own book.  These books caused me to acknowledge God as my Sovereign Creator who designed and destined me for more than what I ever thought possible.

Great Books For You To Read If You Want To Truly Make A Difference:

It's the best book ever! Need I say more?!
These next three books come from a series called The Breakthrough Series.  I seriously encourage you to read these books and complete the study guides that come with them.  Each book is a journey of self reflection that should, like a favorite vacation spot, be revisited  every year.

Stormie Omartian and Cindy Trimm are amazing God fearing women who will lead you deeper into your relationship with God through engaging and productive conversations with our Heavenly Father that we simply call "prayer".  Your prayer language will definitely change and you will learn to apply the Word of God in assurance with conviction and power during your prayers,

 The following books were key in opening my eyes to the truth about my destiny.  These authors speak directly to the question of "Why am I here?"  They give testimony to the creative love in which God designed your very being down to the workings of your brain.  They teach on how we are to expand the Kingdom of God.  You will truly understand that God has given you the world to impact.

This is the order in which I read these next four books.  The body of Christ has given so much power over to satan and he has taken it and ran.  These books expose the tactics of the enemy to trick you into thinking your good works at church are enough.  If you truly want to change the world with the gifts of God placed inside of you, read these books!

 I haven't read these yet. So if you get to them first, please share what you think.

Until later,
Happy reading!!!