Sunday, August 6, 2017

Day 11: God's Seed

Section 2: Refocus and Refresh

Join with us today and pray our prepared prayer on pages 23 and 24 from the FORTY DAYS OF PRAYER FOR EDUCATION free ebook or pray independently from our focus scripture, Luke 8: 11b, 15 NKJV and enjoy the accompanying song entitled, "The Corinthian Song" by Micah Stampley .

Afterwards, ask God to show you His promises to you in His word.  Write them down, post them, and speak these promises over your life this school year. 


Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God…But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. 
– Luke 8: 11b, 15 NKJV

To our Father who is in Heaven,

We come before You today thanking You for sowing Your promises in our lives. Your greatest promise, the Holy Spirit, works in us to lead and guide us in all of Your truth. Thank You for placing those truths in the Word of God which is breathed from Your mouth, active and sharper than any double edge sword and useful for teaching, correcting and training in righteousness.

Forgive the educators of this land for teaching without the foundation of the Word to lead us. Forgive every lesson that has led Your children astray from Your truth and has caused them to question Your existence. Forgive us for questioning Your ability, willingness and faithfulness when we had to endure a test or trial that was “too long” or “too hard” for our liking. We repent of these things and turn from them to You in praise in the name
of Jesus.

We praise You Lord for planting in our lives the promise of salvation, the promise of strength when we are weak, the promise of rest when we are burdened, the promise of Your presence, the promise of Your comfort and counseling, the promise of Your peace, the promise of victory, the promise of Your provision and for those promises being "yes" and "amen".

In this hour, we ask that you would recall these promises to mind when we face the injustices of financial disbursements within school systems, prejudices of others, faculty members who deny Your existence, increased workloads, performance based focuses, insufficient salaries, the affects of poverty on our students and their families, and the strain we put on our own health and family when we stress over these issues.

Remind us to "yet praise You" and wait for the harvest of your planted promises in our lives.

In the Name of Jesus,
