Sunday, July 30, 2017

Day 5: Emptied to be Filled

Section 1: Prepare Your Heart


Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. 
-Matthew 5:3 NKJV

Our focus scripture yesterday enlightened us to the fact that wisdom which comes from above is only obtained through the fear of the Lord.  Since our profession requires that we stay in tune with the latest idea, innovation or research based practice to ensure optimal learning for our students, we plunge (sometimes kicking and screaming) into conferences, PLC's, and degree and certification programs to gain more knowledge. 

If we confuse the aquisition of knowledge with having Godly wisdom, it can lead us down the path where we will begin to lean on our own understanding trusting in what we know versus what God wants us to do. To truly be effective, we have to come to Him as an empty vessel, ready and willing to be led however, wherever, and to whomever His Spirit leads us.  

So, before we begin our school year, before we set up our classrooms and plan our lessons, before we begin our work weeks, before we begin each and every school day, before we begin teaching each subject and every class, before we hold a meeting, before we call a parent, before we go home for the day, before we walk in our homes after work, before we go to bed at night...let's honor Him by acknowledging that we need to be led and guided by His Holy Spirit in every decision of our lives, whether big or small.  (We don't know it all! - smile)

Join with us and pray our prepared prayer on page 13 of the Forty Days of Prayer for Education or pray independently from our focus scripture, Matthew 5: 3 NKJV

Afterwards, take some time to just listen for Jesus' voice as you empty yourself by acknowledging your dependence on Him for everything.

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