Monday, April 17, 2017

Afraid...Yet Filled with Joy

He is not here; He has risen, just as He said... He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee...So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.
Suddenly Jesus met them.
Matthew 28: 6-9

Whelp!!! We are nearing the end of our school year is some shape, form, or fashion.  Some of us are heading back after a puff of smoke Spring Break, some are falling into their much needed Spring Break and others are pushing headlong into statewide testing.  Because a plethora of emotions run throughout school systems at this time, I just wanted to give you an encouraging word today.

The women who followed Jesus so diligently throughout His time here on earth are found here in Matthew 28 verses six through nine as meeting God's angel and hearing the astonishing news that Jesus has risen from the dead.  Following the angel's directions, they ran away from the empty tomb, "afraid...yet filled with joy". 

Afraid...yet filled with joy...

This is a combination of emotions familiar to those of us in the teaching profession.  Many of you are feeling this right now as you are apprehensive of the strenuous testing season that we're entering, yet you're keeping a countdown calendar of the days until summer break arrives at home, at work, in the car, tacked on the garage wall, and layering the bottom of each one of your dresser drawers! 

If you set yourself to follow directions like those women and go tell His disciples the marvelous news that He is risen, you too will be blessed with the opportunity to be met by Jesus and worship Him.  How?  God ALWAYS has a remnant.  You are not the only Christian in your school.  Seek out others and encourage each other with His word.  Remind each other that you serve a risen King who has all power in His hands.  Remind each other that your King has given you authority to speak those things which are not as though they were.  Remind each other that your King has blessed you to set the declare an atmosphere of peace and understanding in your school and classroom.  Remind each other that your King has placed His Spirit in you to declare His authority over any rebellion, stupor, dissension, and defiance that arises.  Your King is all powerful, has all wisdom, and more importantly, He loves us with an everlasting love. 
Chin up, shoulders back, eyes to the heavenly throne, and heart fixed on King Jesus!
Go run and tell that!

The Lord is with you and you are loved!

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