There is something that God is showing me...again....and again.
I have to watch my mouth!
No, I don't have what some call a "potty mouth". Curse words don't roll off my tongue. They do, sometimes, get caught in my throat. I have sarcastic humor which artistically veils my displeasure and disgust. So while I teetered on my soap box, proud that I don't curse like some of those around me, God poked me and said, "YOU need a BRITA mouth!"
Back to topic at hand dirty mouth.
Why was Isaiah so concerned about his mouth? He knew that as a prophet, He was chosen by God to be a holy mouthpiece. He lamented that his lips were filthy because although he could recite back the words of God to others, he knew that where those words flowed from (his heart) made his lips filthy. Yet, in the spirit of a true intercessor, Isaiah was not only concerned about his own mouth but also for the mouths of those around him. He exclaimed that he lived among people (people who were handpicked by God to be a an example to the world) whose lips were filthy as well. Filthy in that the words from their mouths projected the true depiction of their hearts which had strayed from God. They spoke just like those around them in a bitter, jealous, petty, rebellious, idolatrous, hateful, lying, boastful, and judging language.
What are we speaking today?
Christian educators who are true disciples of Jesus have to realize the totality of our assignment in our school divisions. We are God's mouthpiece, for we are to speak as Jesus would speak, in love. We are handpicked by God to be an example those who are around us, "you will know them for their love for one another".
So (finger pointing back at myself) when I speak sarcastically to and about students (no matter how much it makes my coworkers laugh), when I throw up my hands and throw up negative words of despair about my student's ability to improve, I diminish the power of God working through me for healing brains, making families whole, and anything else God wants to do for those He has assigned me to. I no longer look/act/talk any different from those around me and cease to be a light for Jesus. I 'm just a "church go-er" and can not be told apart from a "good person" who doesn't know even know who the true nature and power of Jesus.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4: 29 NIV
Therefore, as I move into the heart of the month of February, I have to keep into account what was discussed at My Data Meeting with God and the Others (see agenda topic #5) and keep my mouth in alignment with His word!
Although I know what it looks like, although I know what the assessment data portrays and I know the kind of answers my students submit on their test and how they reply in the class.... aaauuugggh!
if I want to prove that the manifested works of Jesus is
effective, and
life giving....
I have to clean my mouth!!